A poem to work for by ~mmagueta
I decided to come up with a poem while I was enraged with a recent bug I faced and drove me to the virge of madness. Here are the results in Portuguese and English.
The original poem
Dia-a-dia, desvanecem minhas alegrias, No Emacs, outrora refúgio, falhas agora são guias. O LSP, luz orientadora, titubeia no desespero, Microserviços desvendam-se, fardo de difícil aforo.
Postgres, fortaleza minha, desmorona ao peso do gigante, Fragmentos de alegria desvanecem, só restando o instante. Sanidade, último bastião, escapa por entre minha súplica, No labirinto dos microserviços, eu soluço e saio em busca.
Linhas de código entrelaçam-se, dança álgida, Em recusa do caos, minh’alegria se desagrada. Sussurra o LSP silenciado, triunfo da nostalgia, Solidez que Postgres tivera, é sinfonia de harpias.
A cada martelada do relógio, esperanças crescem frias, Microserviços, um trabalho de artes sombrias. Eia sanidade! Um fantasma, confinada ao fervor, No reino sem sujeitos, estou em apelo ao Senhor.
An English version
Day by day, my joys dissipate away, In Emacs, once refuge, glitches guide my way. The LSP, guiding light, falters in despair, Microservices unfold, a burden beyond compare.
Postgres, my fortress, crumbles ’neath the giant’s weight, Fragments of joy vanish, leaving only the moment’s freight. Sanity, the last bastion, slips through my plea, In the labyrinth of microservices, I sob and seek decree.
Lines of code entwine, a frigid dance, In defiance of chaos, my joy loses its stance. Whispers of the LSP silenced, triumph of nostalgia, The solidity Postgres possessed, now a harpy’s saga.
With each clock’s toll, hopes grow cold, Microservices, a canvas of shadowed arts unfold. Oh, sanity! A phantom, confined to fervent lore, In a realm without subjects, I appeal to the Lord.
An analysis
Predominantly, I try go with a decasyllabic structure, except on the second stanza where I attempted a vigintyllabic approach to add more composure to the suffering that then demanded for some justification.
The rhyme scheme is a simple interchange every two lines, giving a time to breath and tone it up and down on the important parts.
The syllables are pronounced with my accent, so terms in English could have a different syllable count, such as Pos-t-gres.
In some cases, I utilize of caesura to pause, as in “Sussura o LSP silenciado <PAUSE> triunfo da nostalgia”.
Alliteration is present in some parts that are meaningful for my accent. One example of such is the repetition of “s” with a similar sound; in “Sanidade, último bastião”, it follows then “Sanidatch, últchmo bastchião”.